Requesting God's Help in Bringing III Fate to a Thief

To request God's help in bringing ill fate to a thief, the Yasin (a verse from the Holy Qur'ani) should be recited 41 times over 41 pebbles. After each recitation, one of the pebbles is placed on a piece of fresh white cloth. This procedure is repeated until all the pebbles have been placed on the cloth. Then a special prayer, for special requests is performed. The pebbles are then placed in a pot of water and boiled.  While this is being done, the following words are to be recited: Allahumma anta taflamu fi sirri wa'ala niyyati waanna hadha 'amali. Allahumma inni aqsamu bika 'ala khadam hadhihi' al-surah ya khadam hadhihi al-surah an turadda dallata...(fulan) bin....(fulan) wain lam yurad dhalika fataha riqqat binar al-rububiyyah mithlama akhraqta bihadha al-nar al-yarmih aluha aluha aluha al-ajal al-ajal-al-ajal al saat al saat al saat. Amin. After the special prayer has been performed, these words should be uttered: Allah kam minkum bilakam hiya This means that the victim requests God's help in bringing ill-fate to the thief.


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