Jinn, magic and religion

Of course, it is clear that such and similar propaganda shaped in folk beliefs come from the priests themselves, which perceive everything which they don’t control and manipulate as a dangerous enemy which must be denigrated and destroyed. That they often overdo it to the point of it being illogical is evident in the contradictory facts that certain Islamic theologians claim by explaining magic. They mechanically cite parts of the Qur’an, especially from chapter 2, with which they warn people not to perform spells, since it is allegedly a sin, then according to their interpretation magic is directly related to Allah’s will. Namely, they claim that the effect of magic is not certain, God creates it as He creates the effect of a cure. If he doesn’t want to he doesn’t give it any effect. Simply stated, according to theologians, magic happens like everything else according to God’s will, and according to that it cannot be a sin. Therefore never read nor listen to what the theologians from any region claim since their goal is to keep people in the state of submissiveness and passivity, in order to manipulate people.
One of the main conditions of magical work is secrecy. Actually, religion/spirituality and sex are two things which should be your intimacy and no one else’s. Do we believe in God, we are dealing with spirituality, and who we sleep with is solely our own business and it is utter stupidity to talk about it with someone else. Whoever does it is a primitive person which doesn’t have a grain of spirituality in them, such a person is fully committed to materialism and superficiality. Never allow people to have too much influence in your everyday life since you will lose your peace, comfort but also spiritual and life energy. The wise people of old times knew this, they isolated themselves in order to be protected from energy vampires and negative people in order to focus on themselves.
All those prohibitions to communicate less, avoid badmouthing others, cursing, singing and the like, though shown as moral distinctions which a wizard should have, are actually nothing else but a good way to strengthen concentration and accumulate the wizard’s energy which is usually dissipated in all of the abovementioned activities. Even the rule that you should be afraid of knowledge and God were contrived because of it.
Besides discretion and peace for a successful work you will need a shorter or longer period of preparation of the body in order to set it to a supernatural frequency. This can be achieved by aimed weakening of the physical body and will. My opinion is that the classic rule that the wizard must exclusively consume so called “soulless food” is ridiculous since such food simply doesn’t exist. Namely, consuming animal meat and animal products is forbidden, though this ban makes no sense since everything that lives and grows has the gift of life in itself i.e. a soul, since without it, it would be dead. It is another scam which the cunning author-wizards purposefully placed in magical books to prevent many from knowing occult science.
Real meaning of fasting, abstention of food, is the reduction of physical strength and weakening of the will, in order for the subconscious mind to overpower the weakened body and to open to the human mind the possibility to connect with invisible entities. Besides fasting, it can be achieved by abstaining from sleep, which quickly breaks the spirit and body and in the end gets the wizard into a conscious half-trance or full trance.
That’s why you should avoid those groceries which supplies the body with fat and proteins, i.e. strengthen him physically, ad suppress the power of subconsciousness. Actually in the phase when you would like to bring your body into the phase of being ready to perform magical rituals you need to eat dried fruits, drink clean spring water, herbal teas, you can eat food made out of corn flour, and even drink one smoothie a day. Sleep as less as you can, no more than three hours, in order to speed up this process.
During this phase you need to burn incense constantly which has a pleasant smell; the first one is that the smell (smoke) of incense is food for the Jinn (entities) and the other reason is more important, namely, incense has an antidepressant activity, familiar to us from the ancient Egyptians and Nabataea’s. In the phase while you are at a minimum of food and sleep, depression is a normal occurrence which leads you to, since the will is weak, in constant temptations to stop the preparations and give up on the process. That’s why the ancient sages came up with incense because of its antidepressant activity, whose smell gives strength and will to keep going to the wizard.
In preparation for the occult work there can’t be any stress or at least must be minimised, therefore avoid situations which can cause negative emotions such as anger, hate, etc. Similarly, spiritual beings have the ability to feel your inner thoughts and feelings, therefore focus on what you are doing with is a must along with a clear plan. If you ask them for something with doubt in your heart, they will see it as an insult.
When you manage to paralyse your will with the practice mentioned above and you subdue yourselves to your subconsciousness, then all magic that you create will be effective. But, similarly, you will be in such a state to neutralise any black magic or cure someone from evil. Today’s priests of monotheistic religions are in love with clear materialism and they don’t have the ability to cure or help people, since lust and greed rule over them, and as such they have no spiritual nor magical powers. Similarly, while you are in the phase of magical training you should avoid sex since it disrupts concentration, it also represents a form of greed, in this case physical.
Days and planets
Bosnian occult tradition insists on strict abidance o ancient rules on whose postulates spiritual forces exist even today. Modern man lost almost all contact with them since he doesn’t want to follow those rules which connected heaven and earth for millennia, connected humans and the spirit world. That’s why it is important to follow the old rules, especially those in astrological days and hours, in order to ensure the necessary conditions for productive work.

There are other rules of successful magical work but they have a smaller importance compared to the above and I will leave it to you to study and practice them. The most important aspect is for you to fathom the secret of the ritual itself, to fully comprehend and adopt it, which is harder than you believe, then you will perform it successfully.