Magic is an act performed by a magician who, with the help of mysterious and often evil external forces, reads words known as incantations. What one should know about prayer and how the talismans that are written can be effective and bring the writer to their desires.

1. For every spiritual act in the realm of occult sciences, the invocations, prayers, and any other actions must be done under the supervision of a master and an expert in summoning and occult practices, as well as someone knowledgeable and aware of the science of Jafar. Without this, your work will not yield results.

2. Observing the timing and hours for performing the act, ensuring that each action is taken at its appropriate hour, and taking this matter seriously and with plenty of time.

3. Having suitable conditions, both spiritual and physical, as well as a pure and good intention for each spiritual act, and only for the sake of helping creation and in accordance with God’s will.

4. Speaking of specific works and prayers for each spiritual act.

-5- The wastefulness of Ammar and driving away negative and demonic forces from the place of action.

-6- The purity of a person’s clothing and body from any form of impurity, and keeping the mind free from any incorrect thoughts and focusing solely on God.

-7- Burning pleasant incense suitable for each spiritual act and perfuming the body with appropriate fragrances.

-8- Sitting on the ground in such a way that the individual is at the same level as the ground.

– 9 – The type of ink and substance used for conducting each act and writing prayers and talismans.

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