Amulet – protection from evil people
It is necessary to write something about amulets as well, whose main and only purpose is to protect us from all forms of negative energy and evil. Before creation of an amulet it is advisable to check with the help of the method of spiritual numerology if the client is especially young, “open” or “closed” destiny or luck, since in the case of a positive answer one must write a talisman for opening of destiny or better to say – freeing life energy. In my opinion an amulet is necessary to us all so that a person could thread securely through life without danger of being blocked by some negative energy. When there are no such obstacles a man can use his potential and abilities without issues in order to get by in life. Of course there are lazy people, without a desire to fight or work, and to those people not even an amulet can change their destiny for the better, since they themselves don’t desire a change.

Of course, besides the mentioned other indicators can appear such as frequent headaches, bad sleep, loss of immunity and the like. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to “close” holes in the aura through which invisible entities drain human life energy and one needs to renew and strengthen energetic field. This can be achieved in numerous ways but through tradition of spiritual medicine amulets have been shown as the most effective. In the practical part of elimination and cleansing from evil small, content short talismans have been shown to be the most effective, these talismans are usually written by saffron ink mixed with rose water, the amulets are submerged into a bottle of clear water and the water is then drunk. Usually this water is drunk three days in a row, in the morning and evening, when the body is cleansed from negative energy and is slowly returning to harmony.
In contrast, amulet which will be carried on the body or kept above the sheets on the wall can be written by coloured ink, usually red, black or green, whose content cannot be seen by the future owner. Actually, besides the creator of the amulet, no one can see the content of the amulet. The reason for such a relationship is that forces of good are summoned when the amulet is written and between the inscriber and the forces there cannot be a third person. Namely, in the ritual of amulet creation, clean materials are stressed i.e. clean energies: one writes on an unused paper, incense and a new white candle is being lit, the time of inscription is dawn, the purest part of the day, the inscriber must be physically clean, etc. The one constructing the amulet cannot be brought into danger that a presence of someone can violate the spiritual harmony and to invalidate all of his efforts, which can happen easily if the client is in the state of physical impurity or under the influence of negative energy.

Remember, a stingy man is not a good believer nor a good soul. They are energetically destructive people for their environment and usually all those people which are in contact with them have a closed destiny i.e. it is blocked. They are the carriers of bad energy and often times it occurs that anyone who does business with them in any way suffers a series of bad luck and losses. Among the people it is usually said that they are “heavy” – bad tempered and full of negative energy. It is recommended to have an amulet because of these people.
I’m enumerating all these things informatively to first and foremost warn those individuals which for some reason, usually material, want to deal with this doctrine, they should initially study the theory and understand the responsibility and danger which comes with this miraculous skills, for which I believe stems from the ancient cult of communication with invisible beings, which existed from the dawn of mankind.