Jinn and possession
To perform any type of exorcist approach it is necessary to be able to tell the difference of a Shaitan and a Jinn on a human. Namely, there is an important distinction in possession from one or the other entity. When a Shaitan enters the human body he becomes prone to vices, lying, carelessness and laziness, while when a human is possessed by a Jinn he behaves aggressively – causing hysteria, hallucinations, sudden change in behaviour, mental issues, desire for murder or suicide. While it is relatively easier to expel a Shaitan from a victim, with a Jinn or more of them, one has to have a real spiritual battle. Jinn are extremely persistent and intelligent beings prone to deception and hoaxes and in the desire to fool the exorcist and the possessed man they will lay low for a while or even shortly exit the human body. Exorcism is not what one can see in Hollywood movies, in fact it is a completely different practice for which one has to have enough knowledge and experience. While present in the human body, the Jinn changes certain structure of the human body and in the multitude of visible and invisible sensations, to me, the following two are the most interesting.
Namely, in a possessed man, the tears are not salty as in other humans?! Probably an even more interesting fact is that possession can be medically registered or at least it can be shown that something out of the ordinary is happening in the victim’s body. Mensur Abdul-Kerim Muhammad in his book “Supernatural healing with Hijama”, published in 1994 in Egypt, he describes medical experiments and analysis published by doctor Muhammad Al-Hussaini, master of medical sciences, where with a group of his associates he took blood from possessed (bewitched) persons prior and during exorcism which was lead by a professional exorcist. The results were stunning – blood taken from the same person taken from the same spot (puncture) prior and during exorcism had a different blood type. Moreover, red blood cells from the sample didn’t die 12 hours later, instead they multiplied?!
Reasons for possession
During all epochs of human civilization the Jinn attacked humans and this is a constant during our long history. But, the reasons for short or long habitation in the human body have changed. Today the Jinn possess people mostly because of the high level of stress, which weakens the immune system and energetic shell/aura, coming into contact with various evil, disorderly life style, environment pollution and ever increasing lack of humanity and nobility. From experience I know that unconsciously people summon negative spiritual beings with certain activities such as often incinerating red candles, incense, performing reiki, kabbalah, which was created in the 18th century in Prague by worshipers of Satan so that demons can enter the human body much more easily, physical sloppiness, consumption of alcohol, drugs, etc.

Kabbalah - doors for Satan!
Namely, in a possessed man, the tears are not salty as in other humans?! Probably an even more interesting fact is that possession can be medically registered or at least it can be shown that something out of the ordinary is happening in the victim’s body. Mensur Abdul-Kerim Muhammad in his book “Supernatural healing with Hijama”, published in 1994 in Egypt, he describes medical experiments and analysis published by doctor Muhammad Al-Hussaini, master of medical sciences, where with a group of his associates he took blood from possessed (bewitched) persons prior and during exorcism which was lead by a professional exorcist. The results were stunning – blood taken from the same person taken from the same spot (puncture) prior and during exorcism had a different blood type. Moreover, red blood cells from the sample didn’t die 12 hours later, instead they multiplied?!
Reasons for possession
During all epochs of human civilization the Jinn attacked humans and this is a constant during our long history. But, the reasons for short or long habitation in the human body have changed. Today the Jinn possess people mostly because of the high level of stress, which weakens the immune system and energetic shell/aura, coming into contact with various evil, disorderly life style, environment pollution and ever increasing lack of humanity and nobility. From experience I know that unconsciously people summon negative spiritual beings with certain activities such as often incinerating red candles, incense, performing reiki, kabbalah, which was created in the 18th century in Prague by worshipers of Satan so that demons can enter the human body much more easily, physical sloppiness, consumption of alcohol, drugs, etc.
Kabbalah - doors for Satan!