Power of the prayer from the Qur'an

Practice of using prayers with the intent of creating amulets is present in all religions, and among the Christians and Jews use of the psalm for creation of inscriptions for a specific purpose.
Therefore, shortly, there are no differences between these three religions in terms of talisman and amulet creation. The only difference is perhaps that the Arabs and Iranians as excellent mathematicians perfected the science behind the talisman, primarily for the purpose of healing, using prayers from the Qur’an.
Islamic spiritual medicine or Al-Ruhanyat is based on the science of beautiful names of the Lord (al-asma al-husna) and knowledge of the secret of Allah’s greatest name (al-ism al-akbar); esoteric interpretation of the verses from the Qur’an (ilm al-ta’wil); science of letters (ilm al huruf) and their numerological significance and meaning and science of magical squares (ilm al-awfaq) according to which the holly texts, their letters and numerological significance are entered through vefk (triangles and squares) in the content of the talisman and amulet.
Besides, Arabic language is considered to be chosen by God and that’s why words from the Qur’an, as well as citations and prayers are considered as holly. Also, this is the main reason why Muslims of all nations across the world pray to God in Arabic. Of course, it is not wrong for believers to pray in their native language since, as spiritual authorities claim, there are angels which translate the prayer into Arabic as soon as it is spoken. But, speaking the prayer in the original language of the Qur’an has precedence and is common practice among Muslims.
It is known that since the old days that prayers from the Qur’an are the source of help for various human ills and among them the one which is considered the heart of the holly book is very esteemed – Yaseen. It is claimed that it can help in finding a lost person, curing diseases, finding candidates for marriage, etc. In this prayer there is a citation which serves as a stimulus for flow of money but also property protection, which needs to be repeated a certain amount of times in order to gain god’s help and make the desire come true.
For the majority of readers this fact about Yaseen might be interesting. Namely, if it is uttered inside a house and then the entrance door of the house are closed, there is no way any magician or witch can approach that house. Each prayer from the Qur’an has one or more invisible guardians which are called Dobri in Bosnian tradition. So, for example the prayer Yaseen is under the protection of two servants called Zagašin and Fagašin, etc.
Evil spirits and diseases
Spiritual medicine is present in all religions and cultures around the world and it has its source in shamanism, ancient belief in the existence of good and bad spirits which in various ways influence the human and their own world, especially in the domain of disease and bad luck. Through numerous centuries postulates of shamanism remained unchanged, although religious views and understandings changed, which is understandable primarily because of the realisation that a human itself is a combination of spiritual and material.
Spiritual healer or “soul doctor” primarily must possess shamanistic gift i.e. ability to detect, in order to determine whether the Jinn is actually present in the diseased person, and if he is, what type of demon he is dealing with. He is using various mantic methods to accomplish this but also literal knowledge about the effect a Jinn has on the human mind and body.
Diseases ascribed in spiritual medicine to the negative effect of the Jinn are categorised; for example, earth Jinn causes complications with the stomach and bowels, if the Jinn enters the head then he causes headaches, insomnia and issues with the eyes; air Jinn possesses the heart, causing pain and great difficulties in breathing, and often a loss of consciousness; heavenly Jinn is the one most prone to affecting the nervous system, causing spasms (cramps) and contractions of the limbs, etc.
After determining the current state of the diseased and offering a diagnosis, spiritual healer prepares all things necessary for the ritual which he will perform in order to free the person from the negative effect of the Jinn. For that purpose they most frequently make talismans, though there are other ways to eliminate the spirit of the disease.

Spiritual healer or “soul doctor” primarily must possess shamanistic gift i.e. ability to detect, in order to determine whether the Jinn is actually present in the diseased person, and if he is, what type of demon he is dealing with. He is using various mantic methods to accomplish this but also literal knowledge about the effect a Jinn has on the human mind and body.
Diseases ascribed in spiritual medicine to the negative effect of the Jinn are categorised; for example, earth Jinn causes complications with the stomach and bowels, if the Jinn enters the head then he causes headaches, insomnia and issues with the eyes; air Jinn possesses the heart, causing pain and great difficulties in breathing, and often a loss of consciousness; heavenly Jinn is the one most prone to affecting the nervous system, causing spasms (cramps) and contractions of the limbs, etc.
After determining the current state of the diseased and offering a diagnosis, spiritual healer prepares all things necessary for the ritual which he will perform in order to free the person from the negative effect of the Jinn. For that purpose they most frequently make talismans, though there are other ways to eliminate the spirit of the disease.