talisman and arabian magic

Though several system of the preparation and execution of talismanic magic exist among the Arabs, one of the oldest forms, and perhaps one of the most complete, is that appertaining to the zodiacal method. This is based upon several distinct hypotheses. In the first place, each sign of the zodiac is stated to have a sex: masculine, feminine, or neuter; to have a name, which is deemed important, and must be

written in the Arabic script and none other, according to the adepts; a perfume in harmony with its attributes; a colour and a number. This is expressed in the following table. For illustration of the actual method of writing a talisman, with the Arabic equivalents of the names, see illustration of Arabic Amulets.
According to the Arab magicians, this table contains the epitome of all talismans within a certain range of ideas. One manuscript states that invisibility may be obtained by using the table in this way:
In the day and the hour of Mercury, the aspirant should make a talisman, by writing on a piece of square or octagonal paper, with a reed pen, his name, the astrological sign under which he was born, and the words „La.'Ayn“, on one side. This paper should then be laid in a box made of a white wood. A clear day should then elapse, during which the operator is warned not to carry metal upon his person, or to approach women. This is followed by a three-day fast, subject to the following regime: the fast to be from dawn to sunset, for the three days; only water may be taken during the period of the fast. No loose or idle talk is to be indulged in; and preferbly silence should be observed. No stimulants may be taken; the talisman must be taken from the box at intervals of two hours during daylight, in private, and the following words pronounced over it:
In the name of Sulayman, son of Daut, O Jinn of the power of invisibility: come thou near to me, and permeate me with thy power. By him who made you his slave, by his Seal and word, I command thee. The good Jinni have been put on the earth to serve men; to serve those invoking the name of the great, the wise Suleyman. Thou canst not disobey his command, through me.
Take care, adds magician, that no woman see or hear you work, and that no animals be present during this process. At the end of the third day-that is, at sunset – remove the talisman, and inscribe, with the same pen, in parallel lines, the sign and name Mercury, and the number 4. When this has been done, repair to your chamber, and draw a circle on the ground, leaving the box containing the talisman outside the circle, with the top open. Close the eyes, and repeat:
In the name of Sulayman, son of Daut, upon whom be peace; who made all the Jinn subject to him; I (give your name here, says the adept), do hereby, and in the name of king Sulayman, and by his seal as my oath, bind myself to use the power that thou shalt give me in the way I think best, and to keep my power a secret from all.
The next stage is the injunction:
„Come now, O Jinn, by thy Master's name, and by the Seal.“
This is to be repeated seventy and seven times. At the close of this we are informed that the jinn will appear. This manifestation is said to occur in any of several forms, but he may possibly manifest himself in the form of a tall, thin man, and make obeisance. The following dialogue is then stated to occur: the jinn will ask by what right he has been brought; to which answer must be given in a firm voice.
„By the seal, by the Name, and by the mandate of the King Sulayman, son of Daut, upon whom be peace“. To which the jinn will reply while performing a prostration, „Peace be upon the great king; what dost thou desire, O Master?“
Then, says the sage, ask him for the power of invisibility; „but ask not for any other secret, or he will disappear“. You are then told to ratify the pact by making the jinn swear in the name of Sulayman, son of Daut, that he will reappear at any time, upon being called by name; and he will give you his name, and then you will be able to call upon him at known to you, we are warned, must never be divulged to anyone, even one's own brother, and must always be spoken in a whisper when calling him.
Just as invisibility is governed by the jinn operating under the star Mercury, we are told that each sign and star has major and minor attributes; of these, should a talisman be desired for another purpose, the major attributes are these:
The potentialities inheritant in this knowledge is claimen by the magicians to be twofold: either in the conjuring and commanding of a jinn who presides over the desired secret or power, in precisely the same way as outlined in the case of invisibility; or in the divination or establishing of affinities between persons, things, or places.

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