Persian Mythology, Gods and Goddesses

The complete philosophy, doctrine and base for Christianity has been borrowed from the ancient Persian Philosophy of Mitraism (Mithraism.) According to Persian Mythology, Goddess Anahita is the Immaculate Virgin Mother of Goddess Mitra. Christians practically borrowed their doctrine and Holy Scriptures from Ancient Persian Mythology. Christian Church and scholars only changed the Divine Persian names to Christian names! They named "Anahita" as their Virgin Mary and they named "Mitra" as their Jesus Christ! The bases for the Christian Doctrine and writings in many versions of Bible, written by Christian Scholars and Saints has been practically borrowed (Stolen) material from Persian Mythology and Mithraism! This is documented history. So basically Christianity stole its doctrine from Persians. Later on Mohammed (Islam) stole his complete doctrine from bits and pieces of Torah (Jewish Holy Book) and Bible (Christian Holy Book)! For instance, various prayers, fasting, Allowed and Forbidden foods, scriptures, holy events, biblical history and other documents in Islam were all stolen from Judaism and Christianity. Now if you search for all the roots of everything, even mono thesis, it comes from Persian Doctrines of Mithraism, Vedaiism and Zoroastrianism. It all goes back to Persian Philosophies! Why do majority of public not know all this? Because the public has no clue about history. They do not even know what they had for supper a few nights ago! Yes my friends, It all goes back to Persian Philosophies!

* Mitra was the daughter of the virgin Goddess Anahita.
* Jesus was the son of the virgin mother Mary!

* Mitra was born on December 25th.
* Jesus was born on December 25th.

* Mitraists were having bread and wine at Mitraist Temples.
* Christians are having bread and wine at communions in churches!

And many more similarities…

So what are they? Coincidences or thieveries? The whole Bible is copy/pasted!

Does direct copy/pasting of the Persian Philosophy of Mitraism sounds familiar?
Christianity is not a religion, yet it is a storybook made for adults. Even this storybook is not an original, yet a fake one, copied from the Persian Philosophy of Mitraism!

After reading this research, it will be all clear to you of how primarily Christianity and then Islam copy/pasted much of their holy books from ancient Persian philosophies of Mithraism, Vedaiism and Zoroastrianism!

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