The century of Islam

Entering the 21st century, we have entered the century of Islam, the century when this religion will have its largest expansion yet. Up till now, Islam as a religion was always repressed in the western countries and studied in philosophical circles only when there was a need to make fun of the Middle East or the culture of the Arabic people. In the last twenty years an increase in books about the phenomenon of Islam and its philosophy has been taking place, which shows that no one can undermine the influence of this religion that united the teachings of Christianity and Judaism.

Until the Arabs came to Spain, Europe sank in the Christian darkness, primitivism and poverty where the church stifled any and every attempt towards scientific and cultural advancement. With the arrival of the Arabs which brought science and medicine to Spain, which in turn spread throughout the continent, the conditions for moving away from primitivism and the advancement of science and medicine have been created. A similar situation took place when the Ottomans came in Europe and the Balkans. The merits of Muslims are numerous, but it is best to state the one that needs to serve as an example to everyone, namely during WWII they were the only people who saved the Jews from Hitler. However, the nobleness was never given to the Muslims and the proof of this can be seen in the last few decades. The things that have been begun in the twentieth century in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Palestine, Bosnia was only an introduction to the great world war against Islam.

As history states, from its beginning Christianity has a tendency for conquering the world and reigning supreme. The first victims of this plan were the Jews, which paid dearly for their existence to the Christian world. Until they got close to the enemy and assimilated themselves in the ranks of the stronger opponent, they lived under constant persecution. Today the same path is treaded by the Muslims. However, there is no sign that there will be assimilation. In the meantime, the Asian giant China (Buddhism), along with India (Hinduism) became a large problem for the hegemonic Christianity.

The plan of the western states for genocide among the Arabs

In this century we are witnesses of a war between Christianity and Islam which was begun by the USA and Europe and which lasts for over a decade and there are no signs of it ending any time soon. Every day the Muslim people die, and the western politicians come up with new planes that will destroy even more Muslims under the parole of democracy. Democracy as we all now is a western system which in its essence has the same goal that was around since the beginning of mankind-the rule of the few over the many. The imposition of democracy on the Middle East is a modern way of colonialism by the western states. USA which has a role model in Britain, bases its policy on destruction of others in order to thrive themselves.

We can easily see that this forceful imposition of democracy on the Middle East has no effect, and that behind all of this are plans for the mass destruction of entire populations on the Middle East in order to have a monopoly on the natural resources of those regions, and we need to mention that this plan is supported by the biggest enemy of the Muslim world, namely Saudi Arabia.

The greedy and corrupt monarchy of that country has been stifling for months the dissatisfaction of its people, with the help of the western media which don't allow any such news to leak into the world. But when they want to talk about the made up bloodshed in Syria, they clearly support the minority of the rebels, which are mercenaries of the western states, then the media in Europe and USA give us news about the horrible atrocities of the government on a daily basis, clearly such things never took place. The attack on Syria was planned by the USA and Europe and conducted thanks to foreign mercenaries and a small group of people inside Syria, in order to stop the coalition between Syria and Iran which would then prevent the colonisation in the Middle East.

And the project "Arab spring" is the foundation of the new colonialism that needs to destabilise most of the countries of the Middle East and push them towards divisions in order to manipulate them easier. Of course, a special role is played by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar which hope to gain a better position in the world order if their neighbours suffer a horrible fate. 

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