Karin – our demonic doppelganger

Since humans are according to magical analogy made out of four elements (air, earth, fire, water) he is susceptible to the same number of negative effects, which are divides in Iranian-Arabic occultism in the following manner:

- spell or sihir,
- spellbound eye(s) or Urok,
- Karin (astral doppelganger or astral body),
- possession.

Though this division was made in order to simplify the understanding of black magic, according to my opinion, all of them frequently make only one component of it. Spell, as I have explained, cannot function without possession, while possession can occur besides spell casting, for example, when one steps on a spell. Urok and Karin are two supernatural manifestations which can also go one next to the other but also separately. But, no matter, all four ways of functioning of evil onto the human body are serious and dangerous. Similarly, it can happen that a spellbound person can be hit by all four enumerated causes and then his state is extremely difficult and complicated when it comes to curing or freeing.
 Yet, we should note that divination with the help of taming a Karin is the most used form of divination since with this approach one exerts direct influence on a person, without mediators i.e. without invocation of other Jinn. Since the time of the ancient Egypt where there was a belief of a spiritual follower of humans called Ka, the doctrine of a spiritual copy of each man which acts on an astral level, exists. All those stories and legends about night travels of our soul across the world, seeing different events while one is sleeping is a direct “merit” of our Karin. Among the folk there is an erroneous belief that at night the soul exists the human body and wonders across the world, which is theoretically impossible, since if a soul would exit the body, the person would die, since the soul can only exit when the person dies. Karin is the one that shows us everything we see in our dreams, but also that silent voice which explicitly tells us to do something we otherwise wouldn’t.

According to the opinion of occultists, Karin is a dualistic being, its character hinges on the character of the person he is representing, though in most cases Karin is actually a Jinn, demonic, being who is often seen as the main culprit for suicide. Every time a person raises his hand against himself and takes his life, that act is the result of negative effect of the Karin which purposefully lead the man to doom.

With the help of certain methods of converting the name of a person and his mother, the magi can reveal the name of anyone’s Karin and affect the behaviour and will of that man through the Karin. That’s why Karin is an unavoidable segment of all spells, especially love ones. In order to achieve contact with a Karin, the magi after finding out his name, lights incense and repeats usually 21 times the invocation and writes a talisman with which he will completely subjugate him to his will.

Sorcery with a dead body i.e. his things such as soap, comb, nails, hair or water actually has a direct connection to the Karin, since with the help of such props and magical formulas he can direct the spell towards a person, through which he will act on a person and force him to do what the magi wants.

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