Three God's names

In the Islamic tradition, there are 99  God's names (Esmaul husna) and each of them carries a certain energy vibration in its meaning. Using them as mantras, we can attract positive energy to ourselves, also to our lives, so we can heal, protect from evil, correct emotional relationships, make progresses in our careers, etc. The symbolism of number 99 is very interesting, especially in folklore tradition. There's beliveing that  Iblees / Satan, have a negative effect on human race in 99 ways. For this reason, there is the same number of God's names with which He opposes, and Satan's evil is nullified. That way number 99 is like ying yang, representing a perfect harmony.

99 The names of God in a minimalist description represent the human soul, which is confirmed by the Bosnian folk belief that the soul in the human body is wrapped for 99 times around each individual bone. Beside that, people belive that the soul in a human being is the most similar to the shape the apple has, which in fact resembles the appearance of the aura itself, in way that the physical body is surrounded by it in the form of a circle. It should not be forgotten that even when the apples are cut on two halves, in the middle  in its interior there are seeds arranged in the form of pentagrams – which is the symbol of a human and his soul.

                                                           A personal name

By repeading continually all of God's 99 names, we energize ourselves, revitalize the physical body, and achieve harmony. But besides it, using a God's name we can achieve certain goals and desires.
And for this we need to discover our "personal" God's name, which according to the numerology belongs just to us.

In order to discover our "personal" name, we need to sum the numbers of our date of birth. When we summarize the number into one number, we have got "our" God's name.

Example: 13.09.1980/31

Look at the table and you will realise  which name is under number 31 (Al Habir).
Then add number 31 to your years (1980 / 2019-39) and it will lead you to "El Mukit".
The third name you'll get by connecting the numbers in this way: 31 + 39 = 70 (El Mukaddim).

Thereby you got a mantra of three God's names for that year of life that it should be used every day or when it's needed.

"Ya Habir Ya Mukit Ya Mukaddim"

When you want to deal with with spiritual names, to develop clairvoyance, intuition, telepathy, and similar, first say Fatiha- the first  prayer in Qur'an, which literally opens the door of the spiritual world or, to put it more clearly, raises  awareness to a higher level. Then you can start repeat the mantra of 3 God's names.

If you want to empower yourselves, heal from illness, to fill yourselves with energy, say out the prayer Ihlas and then start with mantra 3 God's names.

To cleanse yourself from negative energy, reject the enemy, energetic vampire, say out  Falaq or Nass prayer, you can spreak both of them, and than continue with repeating the mantra  of 3 God's name.

And the singularly  pronunciation of one of the 99 names of God is very effective. A very powerful mantra is "Ya Salam", and by repeading it you can succesfully  calm your psyche, heart rate becomes normal, your breathing normalizes. And the fear goes away.

If you want to be reconciled or repair a bad relationship with some person, God's name Al Gafur (The One Who Forgives) should be used and calculate the personal number of that person.

Let's say that it is 20. Under that number is the name "Al Kabid".The formula will look like this:

 Al Habir (your name)
 Al Gafur (desire, something we what to achieve)
 Al Kabid (the name of the person we want to affect on).

The name of the desire always stands in the middle. Mantra will look like this:

"Ya Habir Ya Gafur Ya Kabid"

Also, by getting together your personal number and the other person's number (in this case 31 + 20 = 51) you will determine the time - how many days you have to repeat the exercise or ritual. Which is in this case, 51 days.

Three God's names, or formula, should be repeated 70 times each day. In counting use tespih/rosary. Each time, connect the fingertips of both hands and finish the exercise with the word "KUN" which means "BE".

Say it out in a lenghtened way "Kkkkkkk uuuuuuuuuu nnnnnnnn". Feel each letter (voice) vibrating in you. Let his echo be lost in you, in your mind. That's how you will finish the exercise.

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