Amulet for liberation from negative energy

When a person is unlucky in love, career or is often ill, a Bosnian wise woman, a so-called "stravarka", will advise her as follows:

After the appearance of the new moon on the first Sunday, the woman should cut off all the nails on her hands and feet and pull out a few hairs from her head and a few hairs from her genitals. Then she should bury it all together under a young tree, among the roots, which, when it grows enough, will bear fruit like a pear or an apple. After that, the person will receive an amulet from a wise woman, in fact a miniature bag made of red cloth with a small piece of Taxus baccata wood, a little salt and sugar. The person who received the amulet should wear it with them for seven days, in contact with the skin of the body, and then it should be left on a shelf on the wall in the house, or on top of the closet. And it stays there for a long time without moving.

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