Two terrible genocides against the Muslim people, the one in Bosnia in 1995, and in Gaza in 2023, confirmed the gruesome fact that no one from the EU or the USA will prevent the killing of Muslims. It is now clear to all of you that we are not all the same before international law and that there are still privileged and subordinated people. I hope you all understand this: if you are willing to be America's servant then you are a partner, if you want to be free and independent then you are a terrorist.

Thousands of children were killed by American bombs and weapons. German, French, British tanks and planes destroyed houses, buildings, entire settlements, streets, and many lives. The monsters called Jews did not allow even small children to have a chance to live, grow up, get to know the world and eventually become people who change it. What kind of people can bomb hospitals full of wounded, women, children and the elderly? Do these people have souls? No, they don't! Jews are the Nazis of the Middle East, Jews are the most disgusting people in this world. The Jews are a true example of the degradation of the human race. Monsters, killers, trash that shouldn't be called human. They are not human, but they are not animals either because even animals never kill others for pure pleasure like these monsters do. Jews are just garbage, feces that pollute the Earth with their existence. A people that should be completely eliminated and erased from all books.

I am not surprised by Adolf Hitler and his attempt to destroy the Jews. I am sorry that he did not succeed in his intention. Because if he had succeeded, today thousands and thousands of Palestinian children would be happily playing, going to school, hugging their parents. Instead, all those children lie dead, their bodies mutilated and torn. Many of them were completely blown up by the bombs, destroying their little bodies forever. Anyone who has children of their own cannot remain immune to this fact. Anyone who has felt the joy of a new life, who has been embraced at least once by small children's arms, cannot help but feel pain at the very thought of someone killing one, two, or three of their children. Or their whole family. 

This is exactly why we must not allow the genocide in Gaza to be forgotten, denied or repeated!

 Sooner or later, Germany, Austria, France, UK, USA and all the other Nazi countries that armed Israel and publicly supported the genocide in Gaza will have to send messages of apology to the Palestinian people. An apology means nothing, it will not bring 20 thousand murdered Palestinians back to life, but it will become a strong message to the whole world that the Jews are the people who committed the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and carried out the planned genocide in Gaza. 

Israel and the Jews must be punished for their crimes and marked in history as Nazis who tried to destroy an entire nation with the military and political support of the known colonial powers and aggressors - the EU and the USA.

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