Numerous rules and advice

For fumigation during the use of talismans, but also after it, oriental textbooks of talisman magic often require the use of fragranced resins, roots and incense which are inaccessible for our climate and it is necessary to be more agile and find high quality substitutes which will not disturb the content of the talisman and its purpose. Bosnian experts for amulet creation have found an ideal substitute in pine needles (Pinus) whose smell summons spiritual energy.

Like everything else, most people understand the talisman science only superficially and they believe that it is enough to re-write some content with a plain pencil, at no specific time, and then they wonder why the talisman didn’t work?! The biggest mistake is done by those who write verses of Qur’an with a ballpoint pen, since a percentage of the ink in such pencils has alcohol in it, which is strictly forbidden by the Qur’an. With this their amulets can be a tool of some evil forces and bring more issues than good to the owner. Because of insufficient education in spiritual science the so called masters of talisman science, besides knowingly deceiving their clients, they also attract evil forces which sooner or later overtake them and place their sphere of influence over them.

There are days in every lunar or Arabic month which are evil and negative and one shouldn’t practice talisman sciences during those months. Similarly, one needs to know the astrological sign in which the future owner of the talisman is born, since there are rules there as well about inscription days. The only exception is the sign of the Leo, for which there are no restrictions for any of the lunar months. With that, the inscriber must follow the movements of the houses of the moon (stations), so he is informed about the state in the sky, which is not always benevolent towards actions and undertakings on earth.

In order to create a usable talisman one must follow numerous rules from the precise hour, day, smell, prayer, etc. Similarly, talismans mustn’t be written in certain days and before one even starts to think about it one must check, according to the date of birth, which days are not favourable for that person i.e. in which days one cannot write talismans for it. Actually, I would like to tell you shortly that creation of amulets is not an easy task and besides knowledge it also requires physical effort. That’s why there are only a few good creators of talismans and they’re in no hurry, each client is marked and on hold until the necessary conditions for work for that specific amulet are created. An amulet whose content is nothing more than useless squiggly lines, copied text or a text written with a ballpoint pen is useless and they have no real power.

Today it is similarly possible to see in printed media, other media as well, ads in which women, so called clairvoyants or “witches” claim that they create amulets and talismans and with that they publicly reveal that they don’t even have the basic knowledge about the talisman science. Namely, in Arabic-Persian science about amulets it is strictly emphasized that a woman cannot create an amulet, only a man cam. Reasons for this are clear and justified and the most basic one is that a woman due to her menstrual cycle and birth simply doesn’t have a high enough level of cleanliness to satisfy extremely demanding rules. It is no less important to emphasize another fact for which women are ostracised from talisman magic. Namely, Jinn cultivate a special affinity towards human females and they’re trying to get close to them in every possible way, in order to possess them and feed from the smell of the menstrual blood or even worse to sexually fornicate with them while they’re sleeping. From everything that we said it is easy to conclude that most of those women which perform some type of magic are possessed with one or more invisible beings. Such women often have headaches, “stinging” across the back, sudden pain, have menstrual issues, nightmares,…

As instructions requires individual talismans are left overnight outside after they have been written, in order to “absorb” astral light, or they are hung on a tree branch, buried near a river or stream, burned in a fire and the ashes are placed on a palm and scattered by the wind, etc. Besides, there are warnings which talismans cannot be exposed to sun or moon light, which cannot be near a dog, woman and the like.

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