When a Jinn enters a house

Another ethereal being which all mages aspire to control in order to learn all secrets of magic is Hudam. The name Hudam or Khodam comes from the Arabic language and signifies the term servant and as such describes the supernatural being which god created to serve humans. According to numerous occult practitioners from the middle east, Hudam is neither an angel or a devil, the closest definition would be that he is a guardian angel of humans, although this claim wouldn’t be completely true.

Hudam or Khodam appears in front of humans in the form of a human dressed in white clothes with an extremely beautiful face. By its nature he is passive and asexual, unlike carnal Jinn. When an occult practitioner succeeds, after several rituals, summoning and placing him under control, Khodam follows him at all times. However, in the world of magic numerous enemies and dangers lurk and often times a Jinn answers the practitioners call and pretends to be a Khodam. In the beginning, until the practitioner gains complete confidence, the Jinn acting as a Khudam follows all tasks the practitioner asks of him, but after some time the Jinn turns the game around and he then rules over the human making him do all those things which are contrary to religious customs.

But, not all cases are like this. Those practitioners which show enough knowledge and patience can come into possession of a unique Khodam called Khodam Asmak, an extremely strong energy powerful being which is willing to protect the human from all possible dangers until his natural death. However, if his master starts to break religious principles (perform adultery, give in to alcohol, gambling, etc.), that bond is then broken. It will also be broken if the human would ask from the Hudam to perform some unjust things such as seducing someone’s wife, stealing, inflicting evil and the like.

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