You've finally found that special person you can't live without. You can't take a chance on your beloved finding another: he or she must be yours, forever! Use these spells to keep your lover spellbound.


Traditionally, if not always accurately, binding spells have been considered feminine concerns. Appropriately then, the ultimate binding ingredient is a single drop of menstrual blood served in a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. One taste and, so the legend goes, he (or she!) is yours for life! If you don't menstruate because you're male, menopausal, or otherwise, the next spell is reputedly very effective.

Snip off a tiny bit of your pubic and underarm hair.

Grind them together with fresh coffee beans and then brew.

Personalize that cup of coffee: add lots of sugar, cream, and/or chocolate. A dollop of Amaretto, Sambuca or similar liqueur wouldn't hurt, either.

Serve it with a smile.


Graveyard dust is a magic ingredient of ancient and worldwide renown. If you have the real thing, use it, preferably from the grave of a loved one who cares about you and will intercede for you from the other side. If that isn't possible, combine a little bit of fresh, clean dirt with some powdered patchouli and/or valerian. Sift it until it is very fine and bake i into a cake with lots of chocolate and cinnamon. Then feed it to him. If you can have him eating out of your hands, all the better.

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